What are you waiting for?

What are you waiting for?

You need to get up, get out, and do something. Don't let
the days of your life pass you by. Many of us think of this as just a song.
However, I consider it good advice that should not be taken lightly. As I
enter my 40s and realize that my classmates are leaving this world 🌎,my
body is changing, my kids are getting older and as a matter of fact in less
than a month I will be a grandma. What legacy will I leave them? What
victories in my life have I shown can be overcome? I begin to think, what
have I done and accomplished in this time that I have been given? Did I
treat others in a way they would remember my life and not celebrate my
death? Did I give my best at all things, or did I only do enough? Did I have
victory more than I complained? We have all only been given one moment in
time to get it right. How we do things in life is everything. To live in
peace. To achieve our dreams. Don't wait by the wayside, hoping for a change
that you can make. Let’s Break Down the words to that song and see how they
can apply in our lives:

1. Get up: Stand on those feet. Literally and say aloud what you plan
to change in your life. They say its power in speaking to your mountains.
2. Get out: Get out that planner and begin to write down your goals. A
dream written down with a date becomes a goal - Greg Reid. We don't realize
the power of writing it down. A handwritten goal is the ACCOUNTABILITY you
need to get to your destination. It is the GPS in your life, and although
you may get off track a time or two, you still get to your destination.
Aren't you tired of going in circles? I know I am.
3. Do Something: a great business coach I have had the pleasure of
meeting is Neo Daviso. He says, "If you work it, it has to work." As I reflect as a business
owner and personally, I can vouch that my most unsuccessful times have been
not putting the work in that was needed to get to my destination. I cannot
tell you what to do, but I will tell you that if you don't, you will reap
the success of being unsuccessful. We must continuously condition ourselves
to be successful and overcome our obstacles as one thing is promised and
that is we will all have trials in our lives. The key is how we respond or
are prepared to handle them.

Don't let the days of your life pass you by: Tomorrow is not promised to
anyone. We are living off grace and borrowed time. We should live each day
as our last. How many of us will say we will start doing something tomorrow,
and it never gets done? That's because it was never really a concern of our
hearts to do. So, to do it, you must make a commitment. This commitment will
ensure that the days of your life do not just pass you by but are purpose
filled and reaping a good harvest. Live out today unapologetically, taking
one step at a time to achieve your goals. Give yourself grace to
achieve them in a realistic time. Celebrate your wins along the way, and
don't let your naysayers take you off track. Knowing your purpose and
following that will carry you through as times will get hard, but the reward is so much greater than
the pain. Those are the times we must remember the race is not given to the
swift nor the strong but the one who endureth to the end. Choose today to
follow through with you!!!

🗣I don't know who needed to hear this, but I hope this pricked your heart to
remember to use this time we have been given wisely. Live with no regrets is
simply making decisions we don’t regret. Count the cost. Let these
reflections not become your guilt but the fuel that pushes you forward. Much
success Goafriends!! ❤️

See you at the TOP.

Coach Deb

About the author: Deborah Crutcheris a Financial Coach and the founder of
Financially Me Goal Academy. At the age of 40 years old she retired from her
corporate America job to teach others how to live with financial freedom.
Deborah became passionate about this cause after first experiencing
financial devastations that then led to depression, hopelessness and a
whirlwind of bad decisions. This led to the forming of Financially Me Goal
Academy (AKA Dynasty) in February of 2021. Financially Me Goal Academy’s
mission is to help working individuals achieve financial freedom in all
aspects of their life with behavior based coaching and education. They focus
on you hitting your long-term goals by making small realistic adjustments
along the way. Need some assistance hitting your goals, schedule your free consultation today 👇🏽


Financially Me Goal Academy

“Where education meets opportunity”
100 West M.L.K Blvd
Chattanooga, TN 37402
A Financial Literacy Coaching Company

We are Licensed and insured to operate in all 50 states.


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