Terms & Conditions

Financially Me Goal Academy LLC & Associates


Financially Me Goal Academy does offer in house interest free payment plans for some of our selected services. If at any time, clients fall behind on their monthly payment plan , the access to the program, calls, recordings, and materials will be put on hold until payments are brought current. Prices for future course and service offerings are subject to change without notice.


Coaching Services, Class and Programs: We aim to offer top notch education to our clients and each product/services has already been tested with either experience or trials with clients before launching our program.  Because we offer educational services/products that CANNOT be unlearned once the material is released, we do NOT offer refunds on the services offered by our company. We are always open to having a conversation with you regarding any concerns you may have. Once payment is received for a course, session, digital product etc. (unless specified by the product), Fees are 100% NON-REFUNDABLE. Because we understand life happens, session fees may be applied to the same course at a later date if  applicable. Clients have 8 months to book from the date of registration in our Coaching courses to use the package they have selected.



Financially Me Goal Academy is a financial literacy coaching company. Your use of any information or services provided by Financially Me Goal Academy LLC., through any websites, chat rooms, social media, education rooms (electronic or otherwise) is entirely at your own risk.

Financially Me Goal Academy is NOT an investment advisory, planner and should not be used  to make your final decisions. We offer education tailored to your needs that will help you make the best decision for you based on our personal experiences, the experiences of others and reading material provided to you.

We are NOT making any claims to the results you will have.  Where we mention the progress of others, this does not represent the results you will have as each situation is different.

We encourage you to assess your financial goals you are wanting to achieve from any company before deciding to work with them.  

There is no personal guarantee that you will have better financial results or capital gain by using any of the ideas presented in our material. The information provided in our materials should not be interpreted as a promise to the same results as the each circumstance on what is needed to get there may and will be different.

You agree that Financially Me Goal Academy will NOT be responsible for the success or your failure in achieving your desired goals. You also understand and agree that you are ultimately responsible for making the decisions needed to change your outcome and Financially Me Goal Academy will simply provide the common knowledge educational tools for you to be able to hit your desired results.



Every effort has been made to accurately depict the products, services and programs offered by our company and the potential outcomes. We stand firm on our beliefs of changing your everyday behaviors to create a healthier outcome with your personal, financial and business life. We believe that our products/services offer the needed educational guidance needed to make better financial decisions. However, we CANNOT guarantee any minimum level of results or suggest that the testimonials of our clients will be typical of your experience.

All testimonials provided are given of FREE will by our clients that we have worked with and are intended to provide you a realistic view of their experience with our company. Their results and experience may NOT be your experience and we  CANNOT guarantee the same results as each situation will vary. Each individual results will vary based on desire, dedication, background, follow through and ability to complete needed task. As with any learning process, immediately results should not be expected but rather provides the foundation to building a better financial outcome.


We hope you will fall completely in love with the educational product/services we have poured our hearts and experiences into creating. Any physical products such as T-Shirts, cups, hats etc, have a 14 day refund, undamaged after deliver have a 14 day refund. Please contact us at 1-833-453-8999 for any issues with your orders.

Coaching Services, Classes, Courses Digital Products:  Please be aware there are NO refunds available for any of our coaching services, classes, digital courses or eBooks. Because education cannot be unlearned once released, we CANNOT offer a refund. We do offer Free 10 minute Consultations to make sure our services are right for you before you begin. We are more than happy to discuss any concerns or issues you may encounter with the course but we will NOT refund any of these products. We aim to get you the education needed to start your Financial Journey and help you continue moving forward, but its your responsibility to show up to your sessions, utilize your coaching sessions to grow and implementing your commitments to making a change.


By placing an order on www.financiallymegoalacademy.com or any of its affiliate website, you are agreeing to all terms and conditions outlined by Financially Me Goal Academy LLC. In the event of an unlawful payment dispute, Financially Me Goal Academy reserves the right to pursue all legal actions