How to take advantage of market opportunities…

💰 Hey yall. Lets start the week off with some income producing tips for planning your purchases. Let's discuss, Taking Advantage of Market Opportunities.

This is an obvious way to accumulate more wealth but the most missed way to become financially stable. The truth is that most people retreat during economic situations and instead of becoming victors they become victims during recessions, financial crisis, or sudden changes. When we do this we tend to make D.U.D's However this is NOT the time to make a decision under duress but to make a SMART goal that plans for you to be able to take advantage of such market opportunities. How you say? Well let's talk about this. March 2020 our entire lives changed and we went through a pandemic that I know for sure my age range had NEVER experienced. Many lost their jobs, worked from home, their way of doing business changed etc. The truth is most were not prepared for this change and many will not be able to recover. Not because of the Pandemic. Not because of the impacts of the Pandemic. Simply because of their mindset to the Pandemic and unwillingness to change their thought process to taking advantage of market opportunities. The pandemic for me and my siblings was financial bliss, as we took advantage of a market opportunity. Yes, we were also impacted and had to change a lot but we also saw the opportunity to get ahead and we took it. How you say? The stock market. Yes the stock market, the one thing that has held up during any financial situation and it completely changed our life. We were able to find stocks at a price so low it was unreal there were days where we netted anywhere from $5 to $25,000. We did NOT know much, but we knew the opportunity was there and if we did not take advantage of it now, we would not be here. I say this to say, that we must change our mindset to disasters and things that we cannot control. Even in situations that we cannot control, we CAN control our reaction. You will always get either a Positive or Negative out of your reaction so choose it wisely. The market opportunities are always there but as I heard someone say you must stop being POOR (passing over opportunities repeatedly). Below we have listed some ways for you to think about when it comes to increasing your hustle & flow with your income.

✅ Overtime: Yes, I said it and I know the answer from most is, “I don’t like my job that much “. I get it and I have said it but this can be a great way to come up and come out. And in my situation it was definitely that way to come up with coins and get out of my job and start my company. I could not have achieved this if I did not take advantage of 98 hours of OT at $50 rate per hour. Yes Chile I padded my bank account to fund my dream by taking advantage of a market opportunity. The job needed help and I needed coins but I had to put my pride aside for a second to see my dreams clearly….

✅ Stock Market: How low could they go? Well let me tell you they got low and we got in and you can still too by learning and earning. It’s a fact we are going through some financial changes right now which results in people selling off stocks they believed to be worth something at some point. However the fear of financial disaster set in and there goes the sell button and at many times for a loss. One mans loss can be your gain. Learning what to do and how to do it became our best friend in investing. We learned what was low and what was the companies value, earnings and upcoming changes that may produce wealth to see if this was a good investment. We checked out the biggest losers to determine what stock we needed to enter and dove in. Here is an example. Party CITY stock is one we leaped on. We found that many were not having parties anymore due to COVID19 so the stock was completely oversold. We also knew that at some point either the company had to change how it was doing business or Covid would recede and the stock would recover. We had a entry at .54 cents with over 4500 shares the stock rose as high as $9. See how some learning can results in earning when you change your mindset to how you see Market opportunities..(*** We are not Stock /Financial Advisors and the info provided is for informational, learning purposes only***).

✅ Side Hustle: Yes everyone in my opinion should have some kind of side hustle and ya girl will get out here in these streets and get to a bag💰 if needed. My go to side hustle is SPARK driving for Walmart. Yes and this is a market opportunity. How you say? Well the entire way that most people shop has changed and companies like Walmart, identified this need and created a way to get the product to the customer while opening up a new way of income. Not only did the customers want different ways of shopping, employees wanted different ways of working and this made it more than possible. I can sit at home cut on my app take a order and earn up to $200 in a few hours vs. the traditional clocking in. So not only did you take advantage of a Market opportunity but the company did to, so the wins are all the way around. AS they get more money and you get more money. I think you get the concept lol. Start your journey today too and receive a sign on bonus using my code. code: DCKBDV6F

Now that we have turned you on to how the wealthy get ahead, you can also start on your road to financial freedom. Often times we think the wealthy has some secrets that we don’t already have. The truth is they simply have the discipline to follow through that most lack. Your financial freedom belongs to you and no one else, what you do with it is up ⬆️ to you!! Now get up get out and go be FINANCIALLY FREE!!


If there is nothing else going on but the rent……….


SMART goal setting vs. D.U.D. goals……..