SMART goal setting vs. D.U.D. goals……..

SMART Goals Vs. D.U.D Goal Setting

Bon jour 👋🏾. As I reflect back in my life and how I finally got to a place of peace, I can honestly say it started with my decision making. I can remember making decsions at the spur of the moment. When life had happened. When my emotions controlled me..None of those decisons led me to a place of peace but instead that of unbalance, fear, and even more bad decisons. I call these decisions D.U.Ds (Decisions made Under Duress). We probably all have made them and some more than others but at the end of the day,, it didn't work out for any of us. I learned and applied a new concept to changing my financial outcome, SMART goal setting. That is something that is:

📋Specific: What are you trying to achieve?

📋Measurable: How will you know if you have achieved the goal?

📋Attainable: Is this something have the capability to do?

📋Realistic: Is this just that Realistic, that you can achieve this goal at this time? That is the most important but often missed self-reflecting question as it makes us check our emotions in making this decision.

📋Time Specific: What is the goal date? This is Very important

A popular spur of the moment decision we encounter everyday it seems like nowadays is with the rental market. We all know a friend who was renting and now boom, they are given 90 days or less to move.. Now the search is on to buy a house. More than 80% of all applicants are denied solely because they were not ready.... Not because they could NOT one day buy a home 🏡 just didn't know their timing 😮 ....Never developed a plan and a lot of times they become discouraged enough to NEVER go down that road again... Well believe it or not, I also made a D.U.D decision with buying a home which ultimately led to me being homeless pregnant with my 3rd child 😭. Yep, I've been there and the dig out was real.. Although I appreciate my journey, as who would have thunk I would end up a passionate🔥 Financial Coach, but I can't help but think where I would be if I had started sooner..🤔 What heartaches could I have avoided? When you begin to make goals based using the SMART theory, you ultimately are able to ensure that your goal is no longer a D.U.D. Life is going to always happen to us, as we must always grow but the blessing is being prepared for life emergencies.. Better Living comes from making better decisions. You are literally at all times one ☝step away from achieving your highest potential.


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